Here's something I've been waiting to do for over six months now, but never had the time to properly put it together. Over the years I gathered quite lovely collection of vintage pieces, each with interesting story attached to it. Well guess what - they're looking for new owners! I know that a lot of you appreciate “oldies but goodies”, especially now in the time of mass-produced fast fashion with questionable quality and not to mention environmental issues that come with it.
I decided to style them up in a sort of editorial. I rented a photo studio and asked my class-mate Maša Erčulj to model for me. She knows her job and how to work it in front of camera and I really had a lot of great pictures to choose from!
Knitted details inspired me to incorporate some braids into styling and so I came up with this idea to put a spin on Million dollar baby. Because girls just wanna have fights!
1/ baby pink knitted sweater (early 90s)
2/ Rašica knitted head-band (80s)
3/ lacy top with wooden buttons (late 80s, partially hand-made)
4/ dark patterned knitted sweater (early 90s)
5/ white knitted turtleneck sweater (80s, hand-knitted)
6/ short denim jacket with oversized sleeves (80s).
If interested, contact me via mail ( and let me know which item you have eyes on. :)
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